Pendulum Painting Experience

Saturday, March 29

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Pendulum Painting Experience

We will demonstrate and create paintings using swinging buckets and other creative tools to make fantastic abstract art.

All are welcome to join: watch and make your own paintings too! If you choose to make your own painting, prices will vary depending on canvas size. Canvases will range from 11×14 $25, 16×20 $35, and 18×20 $45. No tickets necessary for experiencing this event.

Call or email with questions: 920-219-9841.

Details Price Qty
Pendulum Painting - 11x14 Canvasshow details + $25.00 USD   Expired
Pendulum Painting - 16x20 Canvasshow details + $35.00 USD   Expired
Pendulum Painting - 18x20 Canvasshow details + $45.00 USD   Expired
  •  March 29, 2025
     1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Venue Phone: 920-219-9841

Venue Website: